/* iim.form.singleUploadDialog create a dialog containing a form with single File Upload; Name of file input is: 'UPLOAD' requires url propertey taken from data-dojo-props="url:'xxx'" Example: */ define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/form/Form", "dijit/Dialog", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/ProgressBar", "dojo/dom-style" ], function(declare, form,dialog,ContentPane,But,ProgressBar,style){ return declare("vs.singleUploadDialog", But, { label: 'Datei hochladen', iconClass: 'dijitIconFile', url: '', onClick: function(evt){ if(this.url == '') { console.error("missing property: url"); return false; } else { inputName = (this.inputName != undefined ? this.inputName : 'UPLOAD'); dl = new dialog({ title: 'Datei anhängen', style:'width:300px' }); url = sCgiBin + "?" + this.url + "&" + ID; uploadForm = new form({action: url, encType:'multipart/form-data', method:'post'}); submitter = new But({ type:'submit', label:'hochladen', onClick: function() { myProgressBar = new ProgressBar({ style: "width: 275px", indeterminate:true, label:'Datei wird hochgeladen' }); style.set(contentBoxForm.domNode,'display','none'); dl.containerNode.appendChild(myProgressBar.domNode); } }); inputFile = new ContentPane({content: ''}); uploadForm.containerNode.appendChild(inputFile.domNode); uploadForm.containerNode.appendChild(submitter.domNode); contentBoxForm = new ContentPane({}); contentBoxForm.containerNode.appendChild(uploadForm.domNode); dl.containerNode.appendChild(contentBoxForm.domNode); dl.show(); } } }); });